BodyTalk Energy Medicine

BodyTalk is a revolutionary healthcare system that utilizes state-of-the-art energy medicine to optimize the body's internal communications. This helps the body to operate more efficiently and effectively respond to injury and illness. And because the BodyTalk System allows the body’s own healing abilities to affect change, clients see long-lasting, ongoing improvements in health rather than short-term symptomatic relief. It is non-invasive, objective in application and works effectively as a stand alone system or complement other forms of healthcare to enhance results.

BodyTalk’s approach to integrative mind/body medicine combines Western Medicine with Eastern Alternative modalities in a simple and effective form of balancing therapy that allows the body’s energy system to be resynchronized so they can operate as nature intended.

• allergies, insomnia, stress, anxiety, fatigue,
• headaches, back pain, chronic pain, arthritis
• digestive disorders, endocrine disorders
• boosts immune system, optimize lymphatic system
• sports performance, recovery after injuries
• pre-natal care, post surgery
• …and more


• Uses simple, safe and non-invasive techniques - ie. light tapping, breathing
• Benefits all ages and conditions - ie babies, children, elderly and even during pregnancy
• Complements other forms of healthcare - alternative or conventional to increase its effectiveness and promote faster healing.
• Respects your body’s needs and priorities for healing - No two sessions are alike!


• BODYTALK FIRST SESSION - $150 (75 minutes)
• BODYTALK FOLLOW UP SESSION - $125 (45 to 60 minutes)
• BODYTALK + ACUPUNCTURE - $160 (75 minutes)
• VMLD: Veltheim Method Lymphatic Drainage - $125 (45-60 minutes)


BodyTalk System was created by Dr. John Veltheim, an Australian chiropractor, acupuncturist, philosopher and author. His extensive post graduate studies include: Applied Kinesiology, bio-energetic therapy, osteopathy, sports medicine, counselling and comparative philosophy and theology.

Johns background and experience led him to create a state-of-the-art approach to integrative mind/body medicine by combining Western medicine's scientifically supported research in fields such as neuroscience, epigenetics, and psychoneuroimmunology along with a large number of highly recognized ancient and modern healing methods and principles of knowledge, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, yoga and meditation philosophies, Chiropractic, consciousness studies and Energy Psychology.

John’s books have been translated into many languages and The BodyTalk System is taught in over 30 countries and integrated in many healthcare practices because of its simplicity, safety and speed of its results.

BODYTALK SESSION: Your Body is Designed to Heal Itself.

When a body is operating at its optimal level, each system, cell and atom is in constant communication with each other at all times. If all our parts are communicating and the brain can coordinate everything, we heal and grow. Through exposure to the stresses of day-today life, these lines of communication can become compromised, which can lead to a decline in physical, emotional and/or mental health, resulting in discomfort and disease. BodyTalk session identifies these communication breakdowns and uses a light tapping technique to help the brain balance and restore communication within the body, so the body can heal itself.

While BodyTalk does not diagnose or treat specific ailments, clinical experience has shown that once their overall system are balanced through BodyTalk, clients have exhibited significant improvements in conditions such as arthritis, stress, insomnia, anxiety, digestive disorders, back pain, sports performance and more.

VMLD: VELTHEIM METHOD LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE SESSION - Energetic Support for your Lymphatic System

VMLD is a highly effective way of moving interstitial fluid through tissues and into the lymphatic system and energetically supports and optimizes its overall function. And since the lymphatic system is intimately associated with the immune system, the immune system’s functioning is also improved with VMLD.

VMLD technique assists, on a physical level, in dealing with conditions such as acute swelling around an injury site and chronic edema, as well as removing harmful substances from an area (particularly molecules of emotion, as well as pain inducing chemicals and hormones that are stagnating in breast tissue or around various organs such as the ovaries or the prostate). It is amazing the types of dramatic changes that can be observed just by helping the lymph flow through an area.
It is very gentle and relaxing technique that can be performed over clothing and due to the energetic nature of the technique can even be performed off the body.

Benefits include:

• Natural Detoxification

• Improved Immunity

• Reduction of swelling
• Decrease in joint pain

• Increase Energy

• Weight loss

• Sinus drainage

• Regulation of Bowel Movements

*VMLD is a gentle, safe and non-invasive technique that can benefit all ages and conditions, however I always recommend that you check in with your healthcare practitioner first before booking, especially if you are working with a medical professional for an illness that you are being treated for.

Kristine Apostol

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Fallingbrook Wellness

1204 Kingston Road,
Toronto, ON
M1N 1N8


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